Fast evolving! That is what this is… But the forecast seems to be that the Covid 19 issue is long term. The issue is survival. Cut costs now, and invest in the future.
Some Tips:
- Pull all ads. It makes no sense to try to sell into a crisis and a financial slowdown.
- Look at social media for tone.Don’t be all covid 19, all the time, as that will get old fast-But don’t make light of a crisis with toilet paper jokes. Rather, try big images, hopeful thoughts, and a dash of humor. People will want a distraction — and an escape!
- Take the time to write blogs, plan discounts, and be ready when we get the all clear.
- Pull down any events in the next 2 months.
So what to do?
1. As in the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy – Don’t Panic – think, plan, and be strategic — true to brand.
2. Safety first, the health of your team, staff and clients is the key — in a civil society, we think of each other — so show empathy.
3. No half measures — be 100% in, as people perceive a failure on the highest levels of government, your leadership will be seen as powerful.
4. Over communication-In times of fear, people want to be reassured that the environment where they work in is safe. Even if you are closing temporarily, you need to let people know what you’re doing to take this situation seriously and address their concern.
5. Show action - Communicate what is being done to keep the environment free of germs (deep cleaning of common areas, hand sanitizer stations at points of contact, limited hours of operation to allow for daily cleaning , etc.)

The Coronavirus is a major “triggering event” for our clients in many sectors to put their crisis communication plans in action. If you need counsel on executing your plan (or putting one together in the first place), don’t hesitate to call us!