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Thank you for a year to remember!

So, 2021, that was a year. And thanks to you - it was a year to remember! At Louis Karno & Company we knew it would be a challenging year — but to be honest we had no idea how things would play out.

Certainly, not only did our business grow, but we saw new opportunities and challenges as the nation seemed to recover from COVID-19. Like so many, we wanted to turn the page on dealing with the pandemic — but as the leaves fell, we saw that waves do come in sets.

It was an honor to partner with New Hampshire Legal Assistance on the first Fair Housing campaign to help NH residents who may be the victims of discrimination to get access to legal help. We launched a new website, and built outreach efforts, including to communities of color.

We also worked to help organizations on the front lines, help new Americans build connections in a time of growing racism and violence.

We re-upped our efforts with Protect Our Care and Covering New Hampshire to get NH residents signed up under the ACA. And we worked hard to bring in the story and voices of diverse communities. We organized two stops in a national Pro-ACA Bus Tour with big success — one in Burlington, Vermont, the other in Concord, NH.

We helped numerous non-profits update their brands, prepare annual reports and build websites. We also helped a large corporation build a pro-vaccine program and produce videos. And we supported a major university as it prepared for a crisis.

There were lots of new clients, from real estate, economic development — and public broadcasting. And we helped launch-a new website to raise awareness of the issues related to suicide in the Granite State.

And, we had the real privilege of coming up with strategies not only to reintroduce North Americans to Portugal - but to focus on the most wonderful part of that fantastic land — the Alentejo. We hosted virtual workshops, set up fam trips, and came up with a strategy for face to face meeting, conditions allowing, for the future. It was very rewarding to see the blog we launched on the website, and to see the region have the largest percentage growth in 2021 as North Americans started to come back, but with a new agenda.

So, it is hard to say what 2022 will bring, but I can say this: As long as we can make a difference, as long as we can help lend a voice to those who struggle to be heard, then Louis Karno will be there to do good, and do it well.

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