In order to position any organization for success and capitalize on its unique selling proposition – a rebrand might be in the cards. The fact that we are in a pandemic has not changed the rules. That just changes the tactics. As always the next steps remain:
• Research
• Establish Brand & Key Messages
• Strategic Communication Plan Development & Implementation
The challenge is to understand what image an organization currently projects and to discover the barriers to and opportunities for diversifying its base. “Known For/Stands For” research will give any org an opportunity to talk with opinion leaders who make referrals and correct misperceptions that may exist. It will be important to simultaneously conduct an expert review of present key messages emphasized in communication materials, website .... and review any existing research which identifies staff perceptions as well.
Steps should include:
1. Full review of communication materials, existing strategic planning documents both external and internal -facing website to better understand the positioning the organization.
2. Scan market and industry trends for background on audiences — and review marketing materials of competitors.
3. Identify a simple research plan; agree on research objectives and methodology for data collection, and timeline/responsibilities in order to launch the research project.

Establish Brand & Key Messages
Once the expert review is complete and real data is in hand from the research, we always recommend a session to focus on identifying key messages that will distinguish your organization from the competition, both visually as well as verbally.
Strategic Communication Plan Development and Implementation
With strategy and key messages in place, the next step is to develop a strategic communication plan focused on priority audiences, activities that will drive desired behaviors and a method of evaluating success. Here is where the pandemic come into play, as it will impact what these audiences seek, fear, and are motivated by.
Professional Services: Research
As part of this process, we can evaluate the existing logo, name and tag lines and get consensus on the key messages that will differentiate you from any competitors. it makes sense to use the research with 5 key external audiences to test choices and at the same time, educate (particularly with the referral sources). This is also a chance to discover what’s in the way of more referrals happening.
Lastly Establish Brand and Key Messages
Facilitate a session to review research findings and recommendations and make decisions around brand, including logo and messaging. As part of that process:
Define: Your values, beliefs and activities
List the Defining Qualities: What represents your unique offerings, values.
Review the Mindset: Of the potential client — values, attitudes, and lifestyle — as well as disconnects, trip wires, etc.
Identify Perceptions and Expectations: What services are offered, and how to create a reputation as a trusted organization.
Rinse, repeat. any questions?