Crisis. It happens. Everything hits the fan…. So what do you do? In the word’s of the royal prime minister of Portugal in the days following the great Lisbon earthquake – you bury the dead and care for the living. Follow these 10 steps, and you should find the light at the end of the tunnel.

Follow your plan. Don’t have a plan? Then get one now and you will be more prepared than you are today.
Don’t be a victim. Too many organizations play the victim – often ignoring the real victims, and not seeing how selfish it looks – see the issue from an outside perspective and don’t feel sorry for yourself or hide.
Ascertain the facts – what happened – this is crucial. Talk to your legal counsel – but find out what went wrong, and how you will correct it (if possible).
Ready a holding statement, come up with talking points, appoint a key media contact person, and set up a media protocol for all staff and anyone who answers the phone.
Address the issue on your social media, website and other public facing areas.
Brief Staff, show leadership, get the team organized
Express regret and sympathy if you are at fault – or a life was lost.
Recruit third parties to defend and support you – and make your case to them directly – make a withdrawal from your bank of goodwill.
Be on this 24/7 – react and respond in measure.
Listen, learn, be human – and when needed respondin writing so your words are clear and direct.