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Apr 17, 20242 min read
Almost 10 years later, our work on Main Street has redefined Concord
Nine years have passed since the initiation of the Concord Main Street Project, yet its impact continues to reverberate through the heart...

Mar 27, 20242 min read
How Louis Karno launched the Affordable Care Act in NH ten years ago
The Affordable Care Act (ACA), enacted in 2010, stands as a pivotal moment in the quest for equitable healthcare coverage across the...

Oct 18, 20233 min read
Does the New Hampshire Primary Still Matter?
The New Hampshire primary was traditionally the first primary in a presidential election cycle. As such, it held a significant symbolic...

Apr 27, 20233 min read
How to write a non-profit mission statement
A non-profit mission statement is a statement that describes the purpose, goals, and values of a non-profit organization. It is a concise...

Mar 31, 20233 min read
What's the big deal about a flag?
The flag is a symbol of a nation. You see flags at the Olympic Games, in front of government buildings and in backyards for national...

Feb 16, 20233 min read
It's Time to Have a Serious Talk about Climate Change
Let's face the harsh truth — framing the climate crisis to the American public has failed. No, not everywhere, but just enough that we as...

Jan 19, 20233 min read
Diversity is more than a catch phrase - it is a way of being
The front page of the Union Leader recently lauded Concord, NH, for allowing side by side religious and atheist displays in front of the...

Oct 26, 20221 min read
Concord: It's Time to Talk about Preservation
While the historic agreement to save Concord's Gasholder is good news all around, it caps off a decade of loss. Sadly many of the...

Jun 10, 20223 min read
19 Coffins: Finding Common Ground around Guns
When news comes of yet another shooting, so many of us ask “when will this stop?” In communications, we look for common ground. The place...

May 12, 20222 min read
Many Americans get their news from TikTok: Is that a Good Thing?
I was on a Zoom the other day on some new market research. An interesting stat came over about how many people get their news from...

Mar 10, 20222 min read
The Marketing of War has Changed: Truth now matters
On the eve of the US entering World War I, the Creel Commission was set up to convince Americans that entering the war on the side of the...

Mar 3, 20222 min read
The new marketing roadmap for nonprofits
The times they are a changin'. And we have to change too. Not change the rules of how communication works, but rather look at what tools...

Dec 16, 20212 min read
Framing lies as truth
Words are tools, and they can be weapons. I build my career with words, and words can be keys to understanding - and open doors and...

Dec 2, 20214 min read
A Cubs Fan's Last Request
When I was a kid, well — a high schooler, I might leave school just a little bit early some spring days. A friend’s mom worked for the...

Nov 26, 20212 min read
How to get ready for the unexpected
Robin Schell That was the topic of the panel presented prior to the Yankee Chapter of PRSA (Public Relations Society of America) annual...

Nov 4, 20212 min read
Never before have so many people understood so little about so much
Back in the day, scientist James Burke commented that “Never before have so many people understood so little about so much.” Sadly, this...
Sep 16, 20212 min read
Need a crisis tune up?
I got a call the other day from a group in the midst of a crisis. These calls come more frequently than you would expect. And, often the...

Aug 12, 20213 min read
Communications in a divided nation
A house divided against itself, cannot stand. No nation has lost more people to COVID-19 than the US. One would think that a fact like...

Jun 23, 20212 min read
What Kind of Message do New Potential Laws Send about NH?
The NH economy is about to recover. Things are looking up. So one has to wonder why the Legislature and Governor would pass a budget so...

Apr 13, 20212 min read
What's next in tourism? Immersion Travel
Immersion Travel Immersion tourism based on experiences and access to authentic people, places and flavors. No more cookie cutter...
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