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Jan 31, 20242 min read
Why do you need a crisis preparedness training?
Crises can spell disaster for organizations beyond disrupting normal business operations. Preparing for the worst means facing fears and...

May 1, 20202 min read
In any crisis plan one thing is always constant: Never lie. Here is why
In the classic crisis plan one thing is always constant: Never lie. The reason is really simple: Lie once and you lose all credibility. Simp

Apr 13, 20203 min read
Three Communication Lessons from Star Trek The Next Generation in the time of COVID-19
The world of TNG, unlike the shows that followed, was close to utopia. Hunger and poverty had ceased to exist. Racial hatred and intolerance

Apr 8, 20203 min read
How the travel industry emerges from COVID-19 (If I had a crystal ball)
Certainly, longer flights might be a different story — bigger jets, and bigger destinations may be more of a draw — if the economy recovers.

Apr 6, 20202 min read
What the three bears have to teach us in the time of COVID-19
Be hopeful. This sucks. But, we will get through it. Share images and thoughts of hope – certainly we all are overdosed on bad news right no

Mar 18, 20202 min read
What to do in a crisis like this with your communications?
Fast evolving! That is what this is… But the forecast seems to be that the Covid 19 issue is long term. The issue is survival. Cut costs now

Mar 5, 20201 min read
Need help to avoid a crisis? Talk to us.
We can build a custom interactive training session, we will work with a select team of spokespersons from your organization and run mock in

Feb 27, 20207 min read
Travel: What to do to prepare for the coronavirus
Now the Coronavirus (COVID-19) is scaring folks across the world... so keep clam and read on!
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