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Feb 16, 20233 min read
It's Time to Have a Serious Talk about Climate Change
Let's face the harsh truth — framing the climate crisis to the American public has failed. No, not everywhere, but just enough that we as...

Aug 29, 20222 min read
Toss your “bucket list” in the bin: It's time for tourism to help the planet
The thing I never loved about the concept of a bucket list is that it is inexorably linked to death. As in “kick the bucket” plus a list...

May 27, 20213 min read
Racism and Marketing: Look with new eyes at what you are communicating
As we see a new awareness towards systemic racism in the US, new standards have come up around communication. Racist, sexist, and...

Mar 16, 20213 min read
Is Yelp just too Powerful?
The way we do anything and everything has changed. Buying a new mattress or can opener? You will read reviews online – even on a consumer...

Sep 18, 20203 min read
Recipe for Designing the Marketing Plan that Sets You Apart from the Crowd
How do you stand out in a crowded market and differentiate yourself from the competition? In these complicated times, most of us just...

Apr 13, 20203 min read
Three Communication Lessons from Star Trek The Next Generation in the time of COVID-19
The world of TNG, unlike the shows that followed, was close to utopia. Hunger and poverty had ceased to exist. Racial hatred and intolerance

Apr 6, 20202 min read
What the three bears have to teach us in the time of COVID-19
Be hopeful. This sucks. But, we will get through it. Share images and thoughts of hope – certainly we all are overdosed on bad news right no

Mar 5, 20201 min read
Need help to avoid a crisis? Talk to us.
We can build a custom interactive training session, we will work with a select team of spokespersons from your organization and run mock in

Feb 27, 20207 min read
Travel: What to do to prepare for the coronavirus
Now the Coronavirus (COVID-19) is scaring folks across the world... so keep clam and read on!
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